Designs in wood


Inspired by his patrons' requests, Stephen Owen produces pieces of furniture to be used and enjoyed. Behind every piece of Stephen Owen's work there lies a story. From inception to completion, a journey has taken place. A journey through thought and dreams to reality and practice, as concepts are born and worked out.

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Cutlery canteen modelled on Charterhouse School Chapel.
Four poster bed in South American Walnut.
Blanket box with Cedar interior.
Blanket box with Cedar interior.
Occasional Table
Occasional table in English Walnut.
Occasional Table in English Cherry.  Click on image for more information.
Occasional table in English Cherry and Cumberland slate.
Hall bench in English Oak.
Garden conversational bench and table in English Oak.
Dining room furniture in Cherry.
Sycamore and glass desk.
Giant guitar CD storage cabinet.
Click on desk and chair to open.
Desk and chair in Walnut and Plane.
Side table in Walnut and Plane.
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Sycamore bed with cast aluminium feet.
Double extending Oak dining table to seat twenty people.
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Bedroom furniture
Ladies writing table.
Oak display cabinet.
Mahogany mirror with leather pockets.
Bow-tie to die for.
Love Seat - for indoors or outside.
Love Seat, an alternative.
Cross lectern
Cross Lectern in Oak and Steel.
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Communion Table in Green Oak.
(shortlisted for the 2017 Wood Awards)